Azure Networking: Architecture and Best Practices

Azure Networking: Architecture and Best Practices

Master Azure networking with this comprehensive guide covering Virtual Networks, Load Balancers, Application Gateway, and network security.

March 8, 2024
Technical Writer
5 min read

Azure Networking: A Complete Implementation Guide

Azure networking provides the foundation for connecting cloud resources securely and efficiently. This guide covers implementation details for Virtual Networks, ExpressRoute, and Load Balancers.

Virtual Network Architecture

Core networking components:

ComponentPurposeKey Features
Virtual NetworkNetwork isolationCustom IP ranges, subnets
Network Security GroupsTraffic filteringInbound/outbound rules
Route TablesTraffic routingCustom routes, BGP
Service EndpointsService accessSecure service connectivity

Virtual Network Implementation

VNet Creation

# Create a resource group az group create \ --name NetworkingRG \ --location eastus # Create a virtual network az network vnet create \ --resource-group NetworkingRG \ --name MyVNet \ --address-prefix \ --subnet-name Frontend \ --subnet-prefix # Add additional subnet az network vnet subnet create \ --resource-group NetworkingRG \ --vnet-name MyVNet \ --name Backend \ --address-prefix

Network Security Group Configuration

{ "name": "MyNSG", "type": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups", "apiVersion": "2021-02-01", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "properties": { "securityRules": [ { "name": "AllowHTTPS", "properties": { "protocol": "Tcp", "sourcePortRange": "*", "destinationPortRange": "443", "sourceAddressPrefix": "Internet", "destinationAddressPrefix": "*", "access": "Allow", "priority": 100, "direction": "Inbound" } }, { "name": "DenyAllInbound", "properties": { "protocol": "*", "sourcePortRange": "*", "destinationPortRange": "*", "sourceAddressPrefix": "*", "destinationAddressPrefix": "*", "access": "Deny", "priority": 4096, "direction": "Inbound" } } ] } }

ExpressRoute Configuration

Circuit Provisioning

# Create ExpressRoute circuit New-AzExpressRouteCircuit ` -Name "MyCircuit" ` -ResourceGroupName "NetworkingRG" ` -Location "East US" ` -SkuTier "Premium" ` -SkuFamily "MeteredData" ` -ServiceProviderName "Equinix" ` -PeeringLocation "Washington DC" ` -BandwidthInMbps 1000 # Configure private peering $circuit = Get-AzExpressRouteCircuit -Name "MyCircuit" -ResourceGroupName "NetworkingRG" Add-AzExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig ` -Name "AzurePrivatePeering" ` -ExpressRouteCircuit $circuit ` -PeeringType AzurePrivatePeering ` -PeerASN 65001 ` -PrimaryPeerAddressPrefix "" ` -SecondaryPeerAddressPrefix "" ` -VlanId 100

Gateway Configuration

{ "name": "MyExpressRouteGateway", "type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways", "apiVersion": "2021-02-01", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "properties": { "ipConfigurations": [ { "name": "default", "properties": { "privateIPAllocationMethod": "Dynamic", "subnet": { "id": "[variables('gatewaySubnetId')]" }, "publicIPAddress": { "id": "[variables('publicIPId')]" } } } ], "gatewayType": "ExpressRoute", "sku": { "name": "ErGw1AZ", "tier": "ErGw1AZ" } } }

Load Balancer Implementation

Load Balancer Types

TypeLayerUse Case
PublicLayer 4Internet-facing apps
InternalLayer 4Internal apps
Application GatewayLayer 7Web applications
Front DoorLayer 7Global applications

Load Balancer Creation

# Create public IP az network public-ip create \ --resource-group NetworkingRG \ --name MyPublicIP \ --sku Standard # Create load balancer az network lb create \ --resource-group NetworkingRG \ --name MyLoadBalancer \ --sku Standard \ --public-ip-address MyPublicIP \ --frontend-ip-name MyFrontend \ --backend-pool-name MyBackendPool # Add health probe az network lb probe create \ --resource-group NetworkingRG \ --lb-name MyLoadBalancer \ --name MyHealthProbe \ --protocol tcp \ --port 80 # Add load balancing rule az network lb rule create \ --resource-group NetworkingRG \ --lb-name MyLoadBalancer \ --name MyLoadBalancerRule \ --protocol tcp \ --frontend-port 80 \ --backend-port 80 \ --frontend-ip-name MyFrontend \ --backend-pool-name MyBackendPool \ --probe-name MyHealthProbe

Network Security Implementation

Azure Firewall Configuration

{ "name": "MyAzureFirewall", "type": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls", "apiVersion": "2021-02-01", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "properties": { "applicationRuleCollections": [ { "name": "AllowWeb", "properties": { "priority": 100, "action": { "type": "Allow" }, "rules": [ { "name": "AllowHTTPS", "protocols": [ { "protocolType": "Https", "port": 443 } ], "targetFqdns": [ "*" ] } ] } } ] } }

Network Monitoring

Network Watcher Configuration

# Enable Network Watcher New-AzNetworkWatcher ` -Name "MyNetworkWatcher" ` -ResourceGroupName "NetworkingRG" ` -Location "East US" # Configure flow logs $nsg = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name "MyNSG" -ResourceGroupName "NetworkingRG" $workspace = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace -Name "MyWorkspace" -ResourceGroupName "NetworkingRG" Set-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLog ` -NetworkWatcher $networkWatcher ` -TargetResourceId $nsg.Id ` -StorageAccountId $storageAccount.Id ` -EnableFlowLog $true ` -WorkspaceId $workspace.ResourceId ` -WorkspaceRegion $workspace.Location ` -WorkspaceResourceId $workspace.ResourceId

Performance Optimization

Network Performance Settings

Accelerated NetworkingLower latencyHigher throughput
Load Balancer SKUScalabilityPerformance tier
ExpressRoute PremiumGlobal reachBetter connectivity
VNet PeeringDirect connectionLower latency

Troubleshooting Guide

Common issues and solutions:

  1. Connectivity Issues

    • Check NSG rules
    • Verify route tables
    • Review peering status
    • Check DNS resolution
  2. Performance Problems

    • Monitor bandwidth usage
    • Check network latency
    • Review throughput metrics
    • Analyze packet loss
  3. Security Concerns

    • Audit NSG rules
    • Review flow logs
    • Check firewall rules
    • Monitor suspicious activity

Best Practices Summary

  1. Network Design

    • Plan IP addressing
    • Implement proper segmentation
    • Use hub-spoke topology
    • Consider future growth
  2. Security

    • Implement defense in depth
    • Use network security groups
    • Enable Azure Firewall
    • Regular security audits
  3. Performance

    • Enable accelerated networking
    • Use appropriate SKUs
    • Monitor performance
    • Optimize routing
  4. Monitoring

    • Enable Network Watcher
    • Configure flow logs
    • Set up alerts
    • Regular performance reviews

Next Steps

After implementing your network infrastructure:

  1. Set up monitoring and alerting
  2. Implement disaster recovery
  3. Document network topology
  4. Train network administrators
  5. Regular security assessments

Remember to regularly review and update your network implementation to maintain optimal performance and security.
